Classic lily and hydrangea blooms are arranged by our talented designers to create our Compassionate Lily Bouquet. Each white bloom elegantly brings solace and comfort to those experiencing a loss.
- The Premium Bouquet is approximately 19″H x 20″W.
- Designed by florists, ready to display.
- Pet Safety Precautions: This bouquet or plant may include flowers and foliage that are known to be toxic to pets. To keep them safe, be sure to keep this arrangement out of your pet’s reach.
- Lily
- Hydrangea
- The Standard Bouquet is approximately 16″H x 16″W.
- Designed by florists, ready to display.
- Pet Safety Precautions: This bouquet or plant may include flowers and foliage that are known to be toxic to pets. To keep them safe, be sure to keep this arrangement out of your pet’s reach.
- Lily
- Hydrangea
- The Deluxe Bouquet is approximately 18″H x 17″W.
- Designed by florists, ready to display.
- Pet Safety Precautions: This bouquet or plant may include flowers and foliage that are known to be toxic to pets. To keep them safe, be sure to keep this arrangement out of your pet’s reach.
- Lily
- Hydrangea